Loadshedding solutions legal service

Legal solutions for Loadshedding Solutions Industry

In the emerging energy sector, entrepreneurs are building businesses to address the opportunities loadshedding presents. Legalese can be your partner to navigate this multifaceted legal landscape.



We’ve curated a few of our popular products, but check out our service pages for more pricing. Or just get in touch to chat.

VAT excl. T&C’s apply

Solar Rent to Own Agreement
R8 900.00
Client Terms
R6 950.00
Company Registration – Proprietary Limited (Pty Ltd)
R3 500.00
Employment Contract
R6 400.00
Legal Consultation
R1 550.00
Manufacturer Agreement
R9 000.00
Online Compliance Bundle – Website terms and conditions, and a Privacy Policy
R12 000.00
Service Level Agreement (Standard)
R7 750.00
Shareholders Agreement (Simple)
R9 000.00
Commercial contracts companies operating in Load Shedding industry need
Loadshedding Solutions
5 October 23
Reading Time: 4min

The loadshedding and renewable energy industry has been experiencing unprecedented growth in recent years as the South Africa seeks alternatives to the ever-unpredictable energy supply within the country. As more

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Tax Incentives For The Load-Shedding Solutions Industry
Loadshedding Solutions
28 August 23
Reading Time: 3min

The ongoing negative effects of loadshedding continue to affect businesses, individuals’ homes, and their livelihoods.  To address South Africa's energy crisis, National Treasury has proposed draft legislative amendments to introduce

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When Will Load Shedding End with Mark Tanton (Red Cap Energy)
Construction & Engineering
28 July 22
Reading Time: 30min

Mark Tanton is CEO of Red Cap Energy, a company developing large scale renewable energy projects within South Africa. In this episode of Big Fish Stories, Eitan and Mark sit

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What Does The Law Say About Operating Amidst Lockdown Regulations
Brands & Retail
16 July 20

As we all grapple with ‘business unusual’, it’s important to remember that our chief objective should be to keep everyone as safe and as healthy as possible. So, what does

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LET’S get started

We’re ready to help you build your company legally and safely.
